We are so proud and grateful to have had the support from COSATU, one of the greatest Labour Federations in the world, right from the early days in September 2016 when we started this journey of forming a Musicians’ Trade Union. Now, almost 6 years later we we are still supported and regarded as a valuable Trade Union in the COSATU Family!
At our 2021 AGM held on 29 October 2021, members unanimously passed a Resolution for the immediate introduction of a R55 per month membership Fee. This will ensure a Memebrship Status of “In Good Standing” and entitle paid-up memebrs to all the Rights Protection, interventions and other Services offered by TUMSA such as contained in our 16 Pillars as as well as our Constitution.

At our 26 October 2019 AGM, we were addressed by Comrade André Kriel – General Secretary of SACTWU (SA Clothing and Textile Workers Union), South Africa’s second largest Trade Union, during which he invited TUMSA into an Incubation period, through which COSATU could assist us to become a fully-operational Trade Union for consideration as COSATU Affiliate Member. And here, within 2 years and under COVID conditions we have grown to 2,100+ Members nationally! We express our sincere appreciation to the mighty COSATU for recognising the plight of Musicians and extending to us this very valuable opportunity to qualify for consideration. We assure you that we are 100% committed to do what it takes. We will always strive to constantly strengthen our resolve as a Trade Union. Viva COSATU Viva!!
Marching and Picketing with COSATU…
Western Cape march for
better Public Transport
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Western Cape SONA Picket for Copyright Amendment Bill
to be sent back to Parliament
for correction and completion.
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