———————Situation RED———————
We faced an uphill battle… * Inform yourself – Read this !
Since the first Draft of the Amendment of our Copyright Bill in 2015, we have been at the forefront to ensure better protection for our Mzansi Composers’ Copyright. It has been, against much adversity. It first started as draft legislation – in answer to the MITT Report of 2001 http://www.concertssa.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/DACST-Music-Industry-Task-Team-MITT-2001.pdf and the CRC Report of 2011 https://www.gov.za/sites/default/files/gcis_document/201409/crc-report.pdf, both which called for more effective management of Copyright protection to fairly accommodate the interests of both Creators and Users at the dawn of 4IR, but as soon as International Lawyers and Academics backed by the Tech Platforms became involved, it very quickly leaned towards USER INTERESTS with the Tech Platforms lobbying for so-called “fair use” a practice which they led the DTI to believe was “the most enlightened way forward”. Composers saw through this ruse very soon and eventually (Kwesta, Vicky Sampson, Locnville, Ernestine Deane & Gabi Le Roux) was forced to do a last minute submission plea to the Portfolio Committee . Unfortunately, whilst the “entertainment” was enjoyed by the P-Committee on the day, the very simple 3 Composers’ Clauses we asked the Portfolio Committee to introduce in the Draft were simply completely ignored!

*Read this
The 3 Composers’ Clauses we took to the Portfolio Committee and they simply ignored us?
Take our word for it…WE ARE NOT giving up on LOCAL CONTENT!
SO… We took a deep breath, regrouped and forged ahead…
1) We joined the Coalition for Effective Copyright, that even includes some of our usual adversaries, but the common onslaught by the Tech Platforms to influence our Bill set us against a common enemy, so for now we are in SOLIDARITY with all those who’s Copyright is threatened. That gave us more access to a a bigger audience to listen to our Plight, including TV Broadcast News.
Meanwhile most of the Tech Platforms have been infringing Copyright since they saw the light, under the “Safe Harbour” Protection of the US Senate 1998 Law – Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act. Click the link and *READ THIS to inform yourself! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_Copyright_Infringement_Liability_Limitation_Act . So our ACTIVISM continues…
And the Battle ON THE STREETS continues…
Remember we are a TRADE UNION so yes, we took our fight to the streets! Various Marches and Pickets ensued in Cape Town and Gauteng with Memorandums delivered to the President’s Representatives. Wish you were there?

Vicky Sampson leading from the front

Zami Mdingi emphasising
the South African & Pan-African priority

Ernestine Deane delivering
Message through Song

Zolani Mahola inspiring marchers outside Cape Town Station…

April 2019 – Early assembly of marchers to present our Presidential Memorandum at Cape Town Station

Gabi Le Roux handing over a TUMSA Memorandum to
Deputy Minister Mondli Gungubele,
receiving on behalf of the President.